Prospectr by ConvertLead Review 2023 -⚠️SCAM EXPOSED⚠️

Prospectr Review

Maximize Efficiency In Lead Prospecting

As a digital marketing consultant constantly looking for effective lead generation methods, I was intrigued yet skeptical when I first heard about Prospectr and its claims of AI-powered prospecting.

Could it truly simplify finding potential clients?

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After thoroughly testing and using Prospectr for 6 months now, I can provide a comprehensive, unbiased review of how it really performed and the concrete value it delivers.

Overview Of Prospectr

Сrеаtоr: Chris Jenkins et al
Рrоԁuсt: Prospectr by Convertlead
Оffісіаl Sіtе:
Frоnt-Еnԁ Рrісе: $37

What Exactly Is Prospectr?

Prospectr is cloud-based software that leverages advanced artificial intelligence technology to automate the lead generation process. It helps users quickly discover and connect with targeted B2B leads, specifically on Facebook.

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Unparalleled Lead Quality And Relevance

In my testing, Prospectr consistently delivered higher quality leads compared to my previous manual prospecting efforts like cold calling, referral gathering, or aimless online research. The leads are innately more qualified because Prospectr’s AI goes beyond basic search filtering.

The software applies multi-layered lead qualification including:

+ Ideal Customer Profile Matching: Prospectr scans thousands of data points to determine which businesses closely match my target customer industry, size, location, and other attributes.

+ Activity Matching: The AI analyzes social media activity, website updates, new reviews, and other signals to uncover companies actively looking to solve problems my services can fix. Idle or stagnant prospects are filtered out.

+ Buyer Intent Matching: Natural language processing detects leads discussing objectives, challenges, and goals that my offerings directly address. This confirms they have a need and are in the market to purchase solutions.

+ Relevance Scoring: Every prospect is automatically scored based on fit. Only warm leads make it through while neutral or irrelevant ones are excluded.

Together, these capabilities ensure the leads served up by Prospectr are primed for outreach and ready to have high-value conversations about solving their business needs. The time savings from not having to manually vet prospects is astronomical.

After months of use across varied client projects, I estimate 70-80% of Prospectr leads convert into profitable business compared to only 25-30% previously. The highly targeted, AI-qualified leads translate directly into growth.

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Powerful Prospectr Performance and Impact

Here are some of the tangible results and key metrics I’ve tracked that demonstrate Prospectr’s immense value:

+ 10-15 new, qualified leads generated per week, a 400% increase over my manual efforts

+ Average Prospect Score of generated leads is 76, indicating very warm and sales-ready prospects

+ Lead to customer conversion rate improved from 20% to 65%

+ Reduced average lead conversion time from 4 weeks to less than 7 days

+ Cut total time spent prospecting by 70%, freeing up 10+ hours per week for strategic work

+ Faster sales cycles due to Prospectr providing lead context upfront

+ Uncovered cross-selling and upselling opportunities within existing clients

+ Achieved 5X+ return on investment from software costs to revenue gained

The combination of getting more leads faster plus being able to convert those leads at a higher rate has completely changed the trajectory of my consultancy.

In just 6 months, Prospectr has generated 32 new clients – a 42% increase in customers that translated to over $120k in additional revenue. Even with my fees, that’s a staggering 14X return.

The Future of Prospecting with AI

Prior to Prospectr, I relied on a hodgepodge of disjointed prospecting tactics. Cold calling into stale lead lists. Knocking on neighborhood business doors. Praying for referrals or leads to come to my website.

It was maddeningly inefficient:

+ Hours wasted waiting for leads that often never came

+ No insight into lead context or who was truly ready to buy

+ Constant grinding to book meetings that led nowhere

+ Juggling tons of chaotic spreadsheets, notes, and data

I knew prospecting was critical to growth. But the manual drudgery was untenable.

Prospectr has been a revelation, leveraging artificial intelligence to completely transform prospecting into a scalable, automated engine that delivers results on autopilot.

Instead of chasing every potential lead, I can now cherry pick from a steady stream of qualified prospects eager to buy what I’m offering. It feels like cheating – but in a good way!

Automation frees me to focus on high-value activities like crafting tailored proposals, developing new services, and providing excellent client experiences rather than lead hunting.

And with new features constantly being added, I’m excited to see how Prospectr continues optimizing AI lead gen. The future of outbound sales and marketing is definitely AI.

✅(SPECIAL PROMO OFFER 2023) Click Here To Purchase at A Price As Low✅

Prospectr Pricing Overview

The current price for Prospectr is a remarkable steal, priced at just $37. Inside this app, you’ll find valuable features and capabilities to enhance your lead generation efforts.


However, it’s essential to act swiftly because this incredible offer won’t be available indefinitely. Prices may rise in the future, so securing Prospectr at this unbeatable rate is a time-sensitive opportunity.

Furthermore, your purchase is entirely risk-free. If, for any reason, you’re not entirely satisfied with your investment, you can easily reach out to the support desk. The support team is committed to promptly refunding your purchase with no questions asked.

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to supercharge your lead generation efforts. Seize Prospectr today and take advantage of this fantastic price before any potential price increases occur.

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The Upgrades

Here are the details of each Prospectr OTO (Upgrade):

OTO 1: Pro ($97) >>More Deails<<

With this upgrade, you’ll receive:

+ An additional 8,000 credits each month (*credits reset monthly).

+ The rights to use Prospectr for your business needs.

OTO 2: Pages By Convertlead ($67) >>More Deails<<

This upgrade includes:

+ 2,000 monthly credits (*credits reset monthly).

+ The ability to create up to 5 projects and complete websites.

+ Integrated AI with 50,000 words.

+ 10,000 monthly views.

+ Access to all templates and a drag-and-drop editor.

+ Full use of style features.

+ Tabbed browsing in the builder.

+ Easy resizing for mobile and tablets.

+ Simple editing of CSS and HTML.

+ Efficient layer management.

+ Downloading entire websites as ZIP files.

+ Fast hosting included.

+ Dozens of built-in fonts.

+ A commercial license.

+ The power to create landing pages, custom countdowns, and email capture forms.

+ Easy integration of Google Maps, videos, and images.

OTO 3: Convertlead Business ($97) >>More Deails<<

With this product, you’ll get:

+ 2,000 credits every month (*credits reset monthly).

+ 1 business account.

+ The ability to create up to 20 websites and use 15 custom domains.

+ Assist with 300,000 words.

+ A drag-and-drop page builder.

+ Push notifications.

+ Two-way text messages.

+ Instant alerts for new leads.

+ Conditional actions.

+ Making blind calls.

+ A lightweight CRM.

+ The lead rotator feature.

+ Effective client and lead tracking.

+ Creating landing pages, custom countdowns, and email capture forms.

+ Easy integration of Google Maps, videos, and images.

OTO 4: Convertlead Agency ($297 per year) >>More Deails<<

This product gives you:

+ Unlimited clients with sub-accounts.

+ Access to the Profit Model Intensive.

+ Participation in a 2-hour live workshop.

+ The Client Closing Blueprint.

+ Google Ranking is done for you.

+ Insights into the top 25 local niches.

Please note that you can click on the provided links to access more detailed information about each upgrade.

✅==> Does It Really Work? Find Out More About It Here! <==✅

Ideal Users Who Gain Value from Prospectr

Based on my extensive testing and use cases, Prospectr is an ideal fit for:

+ Marketing Agencies – generate more qualified leads to fuel growth

+ Business Consultants – build a steady pipeline of clients

+ IT Services Firms – acquire new managed service/support deals

+ SaaS Companies – identify high-fit prospects to reduce churn

+ Ecommerce Retailers – find potential new supplier and vendor partners

+ B2B Sales Teams – simplified outbound lead generation

+ Real Estate Agents – create a funnel of motivated home buyers/sellers

+ Recruiters – talent acquisition and sourcing candidates faster

Essentially any business that currently relies on cold outreach, manual research, or generic lead lists will gain tremendous value from Prospectr. It is a game-changing platform for marketers, agencies, coaches, consultants, and sales professionals seeking qualified B2B leads.

Prospectr Lift vs. Doing Nothing

When evaluating any business software solution, it’s important to consider opportunity cost and the hard cost of ignoring the problem altogether.

In my case, not deploying a solution like Prospectr would have steep consequences:

+ Continued wasted hours prospecting manually

+ Dwindling pipeline as competitors embrace AI prospecting

+ Missed growth from lack of insight into potential new clients

+ Hassle and costs of outsourcing ineffective teams

+ Inability to expand services without prospecting scaling

Conservatively, I estimate the direct cost of doing nothing and not investing in Prospectr’s AI capabilities would result in ~$125,000 less revenue annually.

When you factor in the compound growth over 5+ years of leaving this issue unaddressed, the impact is millions in missed opportunity. AI-powered prospecting is no longer optional for any serious, scalable advisory firm.

✅==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==✅

Prospectr Customer Support Experience

While Prospectr is intuitive software, I still had questions during onboarding and wanted to utilize their customer support options to accelerate my learning.

Overall, my experience with Prospectr’s customer support has been extremely positive.

Response times are incredibly prompt – usually within 30 minutes or less which is unheard of for most software companies.

The in-app chat support and email ticketing provide multiple channels to get assistance quickly.

Prospectr’s customer success team is courteous, knowledgeable, and patient. They walked me through best practices to maximize results from the platform and offered creative suggestions tailored to my business.

My dedicated Customer Success Manager has continued periodically checking in on my usage and results. Compared to other vendors, the level of personalized support has been remarkable.

The comprehensive knowledge base of support articles is also helpful for self-service troubleshooting. Between the robust in-app resources and stellar human support, I’ve been able to resolve any questions swiftly.

Considering their support experience as well, Prospectr provides tremendous all-around value.

Prospectr Integrations Expand its Power

Prospectr already packs a robust suite of lead generation and outreach features right out of the box. But the ability to integrate with other tools via Zapier and native integrations dramatically expands its capabilities.

Here are some of the integrations I have configured to get even more value from Prospectr:

+ Google Sheets – Automatically export and backup lead lists.

+ Gmail – Sync email conversations with leads into Prospectr records.

+ Slack – Get real-time notifications when hot leads are found.

+ Calendly – Auto-schedule meetings with leads instantly.

+ Intercom – Initiate conversations from lead profiles.

+ ActiveCampaign – Sync lead data for nurture campaigns.

+ ZohoCRM – Centralize Prospectr leads with other lead data.

+ Drift – Trigger chat pop-ups from specific high-value leads.

Thanks to these integrations, Prospectr has become the command center powering multiple aspects of my sales and marketing technology stack. It is the glue tying everything together for maximum productivity.

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Prospectr’s AI Prospecting Revolution

To wrap up this extensive, transparent my review of Prospectr after many months of hands-on usage – I am extremely impressed. The AI lead generation technology truly delivers a night and day improvement.

The biggest difference comes down to this…

Before Prospect, I struggled to manually fill my pipeline with leads. It was like trying to scale a mountain without ropes or tools. An endless hike yielding little progress.

After Prospect, quality leads flow into my pipeline automatically every single day. It’s like a ski lift taking me effortlessly to the top of the mountain. I get to start my day already at the peak!

The bottom line is that Prospectr provides a complete game changer for any business relying on a steady stream of new prospects to grow and thrive.

If you currently face the challenges of manual prospecting but have hesitated to try new solutions, take the leap. Prospectr solves the cold lead problem through AI automation.

You have nothing to lose except the shackles of antiquated prospecting. Join the revolution!

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